Instagram Shadow Banning: What it is and how to avoid it

Instagram Shadow Banning: What it is and how to avoid it

A new shopping trend emerged as more cities are going under lockdowns, brick & mortar businesses are forced to close and people choosing to self-quarantined avoiding public places, ONLINE SHOPPING is now the new normal. This shift in consumer’s behaviour is also supported by the World Health Organization statement “The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low.”

The numbers tell the story, COVID-19 has changed the way consumers shop and what they shop for. Consumers are now more responsive than ever to marketing messages (email, SMS, social ads, and more (35.65%). They’re also browsing online more (32.05%), and buying online more (25.35%). Not only are consumers doing more of their purchasing online, they are likely buying things they hadn’t bought online before. These numbers are forecasted to increase even more in the future and it seems like this new trend is not going anywhere even after the outbreak is over. This may be because after going online for those purchases, it’s likely consumers will embrace the new shopping experience.

With all that being said, let us tell you one important thing, this is not the time for you to pause your business activities entirely, let alone your marketing effort. We think it’s time to think differently and pivot. If you’re not sure on which direction you should go for your business, ask these questions: What do your current clients need more of right now? What are you uniquely postioned to offer, especially right now? How could you take advantage of technology to make your offering more appealing?

We think it’s crucial for all brands to stay consistent with the right content. Again, this is not the time to hide from social media. In fact, content consumption is thriving. It’s time to keep your content consistent and show up. But creating content doesn’t just mean hopping onto every social media platform, spending hours of your day posting and scrolling then hoping for the best. You need to invest in the right kind of marketing. Especially now, it’s essential to focus on creating content that provides real value to consumers.

From entertaining videos, to informative blog posts, to open channels of communication that makes your brand and team more accessible. You will also need to optimize your customer’s on-site experience. Leverage the power of user-generated content and consumer feedback to build trust in these times. Create a sense of community around your brand by encouraging your customers to share their visual content during this time. Incentivize your customers to leave new reviews showcasing how they use your product at home, then feature their content on your social platform or site. Or, send SMS messages to loyalty members directing them to their favorite products with a special, time-sensitive offer. With more consumers shopping online, and paying more attention to marketing messages, your brand should look to create personalized on-site experiences that keep shoppers coming back.

The coronavirus is a reminder, a dramatic one, that brands need to remain nimble, adapt fast, but don’t pause. Let us help you figure out your marketing strategy, say hello to us at [email protected]. Don’t delay in getting started, because you’ll never know if your brand’s gifts and services are needed more than ever before. And always remember that this too shall pass.


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